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HELP! I need 5 listings by the end of the month!


That’s what one of the newer agents here in the office said to me the other day. He’s set himself a goal of 5 new listings this month and asked me for some ideas on how to get them. Sometimes the strangest things get me going on a tangent, and I’ve really been thinking about this a lot… not only because as his broker I feel it’s MY job to help him be successful, but also because I love seeing people succeed and I really want to be a part of helping him reach his goals!

So for starters, I am reaching out to YOU to share some of your tips, ideas & strategies for me to share with him. Reply back to this email and next week I’ll share with all of you some of the top tips that I received. In the mean time, here’s some of what I thought of:

First: Look back through your leads from the last few months. Everyone you’ve talked to. Contact them all again and see what they decided to do and it they would like to meet again. (check MLS first to see if they listed with someone else). If they WERE thinking about listing and didn’t, maybe they just need more information or a little nudging to get them off the fence. I would explain that with interest rates so low, it is a good time to sell as there are lots of buyers in the market. As long as their home is in good condition and priced right they should be able to sell in a reasonable timeframe.

Second: Put together an info packet on you, your company, and your marketing services. Send or drop it off to any FSBO’s that you see. Studies have shown that most FSBO’s list with an agent after a very short time of trying it on their own.

Third: Share on your Facebook, Twitter, whatever you’ve got friends & followers. Ask for their help in reaching your goal. People love to help their friends when they can, but only if you ask. In a separate post, you can also mention the different ways you can help a seller, such as short sale, staging, etc. In marketing, there’s a station we call WIIFM? (What’s in it for Me?). Don’t make everything about YOU, make it about how you can help THEM!

Fourth: If you are a short sale specialist, tell the other agents in your office that you’ll share any of their listings that they want to have you work on the tedious details. This is a win-win because if they are too busy or inexperienced to handle the short sale and might have just passed on the listing, you now have brought a solution to them.

Fifth: Pick up any floor-time that you can! I don’t know about your office, but we’ve had a bunch of walk-ins lately. Yesterday we had a walk in and within 60 minutes she had shown us the property and signed the listing agreement (it’s right up the street). Yes, it happens!

Sixth: Get to some networking groups, pronto! They’re all over the place, and many are free. The more people you can share your message with the more will be sending you referrals!

Seventh: Ask some of the busier agents in your office if there are any leads that they haven’t had time to follow up on and offer to work them if you can share the listing. Dead leads don’t benefit anybody, they’d probably rather have 1/2 of a listing than zero because they waited too long to contact the lead.

There’s just a few that I thought of off the top of my head. What ideas would YOU share with an agent that wants to get 5 listings in the next 20 days? By the way… if you take a minute to do this exercise, you’ll be surprised at the ideas you’ll get for YOURSELF to jumpstart YOUR biz!

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